HEAL Data Platform
The HEAL Data Platform is a single web interface which allows visitors to discover, access and analyze data generated by HEAL funded, as well as HEAL relevant, studies within a distributed ecosystem. Making HEAL data easily findable enables secondary, cross-study analyses, promotes dissemination of the HEAL Initiative's research and accelerates new discoveries.
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NIH HEAL Initiative®
The Helping to End Addiction Long-term Initiative, or NIH HEAL Initiative®, is an aggressive, trans-agency effort to speed scientific solutions to stem the national opioid and pain public health crises.

HEAL Semantic Search
The NIH HEAL Initiative also provides HEAL Semantic Search, a complementary tool to use with the HEAL Data Platform. HEAL Semantic Search allows users to explore connections between biomedical concepts, identify variables related to a concept and discover datasets containing these variables. Uncovering novel relationships between concepts and variables may help researchers pose relevant research questions and identify potential collaborations.
Search HEAL with semantic search
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FAQsWatch tutorial videos to learn how to interact with the HEAL Platform.
TutorialsExplore helpful resources for Prevention, Treatment and Support related to Opioid Use Disorder.